To provide technology based education to students of all races, religions and nationalities, through a fellowship that carries with it, enormous choices and responsibilities, by giving opportunities to lead a life of learning through dedicated study, while committing themselves to personal growth, integrity, self-discipline and caring for each other, as “Creative Re-thinkers”, whether at NIS or elsewhere.

Oh God, we thank You for all Your blessings. We thank You for our school, our teachers and our parents. We pray that You guide us through each and everything we strive to achieve while we are here, and that we bear testimony to Your strength and our relentless faith in You. Amen.
I Pledge my loyalty to the school and its community. I promise to commit myself to personal growth, integrity, self discipline, rethinking and caring for others. Fully aware, therefore, of the importance of my choice, I now take my place within this special and lasting fellowship. May the Almighty help me to safeguard the principles and values of N.I.S. now and forever.
I pledge to embrace my responsibility to help improve the environment. I vow to make environmentally responsible choices every day. Knowing we have no other choice but to protect our environment for the benefit of the present and future generations, I agree to work towards achieving this all important objective. I promise to transform my impact through my actions and interactions. I will make my commitment known by joining the NIS community in pledging to “Green” my footprint.
NIS students are expected to devote time and energy to the pursuit of academic achievement while also practicing the personal characteristics of respect, self-discipline and teamwork they see modeled around them in our classrooms, on our playing fields and everywhere else on campus.
Emphasis is on developing the heart and soul of each child through practices that are morally and ethically demanding. Concepts like self discipline, generosity, compassion, understanding, respect and decency to be invoked and practised both inside and outside the school community.
NIS is a community formed by contributions of unique individuals, one person at a time. Everyone has an integral part to play, everyone can make an impact and each one has the ability to contribute to the greater good.
With very many athletic teams and religious traditions represented within the NIS student body, opportunities abound for students to strengthen their bodies and nourish their souls.
Community service is not simply a graduation requirement. From the moment they affix their signatures to our school pledge, NIS students commit themselves to practising the school's principles of personal growth, integrity, self discipline and caring for others.
We hope to give our students the room and opportunity to be 'creative re-thinkers' as they will possess openess to different and better solutions, techniques to see the familiar in a fresh light, ways of accessing deeper levels of thought, knowledge of how to create more 'Eureka' moments and the courage and will to put new ideas into practice.
"Smart school" is what we are as technology is integrated into every aspect of our learning and teaching, making it collaborative and negotiated, while weaving a rich fabric of stimulation and evaluation.
Accreditations & Affiliations